Nasal Surgery in India
What is Nasal Surgery?
Nasal surgery can be performed either inside or outside of the nose, encompassing both cosmetic and reconstructive aspects. The procedure is conducted under general or local anesthesia and typically takes about 1 hour to complete. It is performed on an outpatient basis, resulting in mild discomfort.
Goals of Nasal Surgery
Nasal Surgery Types
Rhinoplasty : The surgical procedure is aimed at repairing nose defects, which may involve resizing or reshaping the nose. The goals of the surgery include :
Septoplasty : The surgical procedure is performed to correct deformities and defects of the nasal septum. Examples of septoplasty include :
Nasal Valve Surgery : The surgery is performed for individuals with nasal valve collapse or a narrow nasal valve. The nasal valve, the most narrow area of the nose located around one centimeter in, is the focus of this procedure. It is the same area as the crease over the nostril. Some people naturally have a narrow nasal valve area, while in others, the area may collapse when they start to breathe, blocking the airway.
Nasal Turbinate : These bones are composed of soft tissue covering that extends from the side walls of the nose. Nasal blockage can be caused by the thick soft tissue covering the turbinate and the thick turbinate bone. Various methods can be employed to reduce both the bone and soft tissue in the turbinates.
Preparation for Nasal Surgery
The surgery is performed based on :
Symptoms of Nasal Surgery
Nasal Obstruction Causes
Nasal Blockage Surgery
Nasal blockage is the outcome of nasal congestion in various nasal passages, resulting from the swelling of the membranes lining the nose. This condition is also referred to as nasal obstruction, plugged nose, stuffy nose, nasal blockage, and blocked nose. The causes of nasal blockage can range from mild to potentially life-threatening conditions. The blockage may impact hearing, speech development, and the ears. Severe blockage can disrupt sleep and lead to snoring.
Nasal Airway Surgery
Here are some reasons for considering nasal airway surgery :
Laser Nasal Surgery for Correcting Nasal Blockage
The laser technique represents a modern and advanced approach to treating nasal blockage. Unlike traditional nasal surgeries, laser treatment does not result in scarring or injuries. This effective laser treatment has eliminated the need for using nasal sprays permanently. Additionally, there is no requirement for using nasal strips while sleeping or engaging in sports.
Cost of Nasal Surgery
Nasal surgery in India is not only cost-effective but also comes with top-notch medical services, facilities, and the latest technologies. Surgeries are performed by well-trained doctors who are equally skilled as those in other developed countries.
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